Monday, June 3, 2013

5 Ways to Restore or Maintain Your Business Passion

When you are having fun and doing what you do best, the results will show. But as time passes and responsibilities mount, that passion and fervor can start to dissipate.
It’s not uncommon to reach a point in your business where you lose the passion that you had at the beginning. There are two scenarios that typically cause our passion to wane. We reach a level of success and become content or the struggle to grow our business is overwhelming and seems insurmountable.

Mundane nuts-and-bolts of the business tend to wear out certain types of entrepreneurs. If you’re an innovator, having to deal with accountants, lawyers, vendors, employees, banks, AP/AR, etc. tend to suck the energy out of you.

Trying to grow a fledgling business, while encountering one roadblock after another, can become mentally and physically draining. Here are 5 ways to get your passion back or to maintain your focus and stay organized:

  • Take a break.
    Take periodic vacations as often as your budget permits. Set aside regular leisure time away from the demands of work… i.e. attend a comedy matinee’ and
    laugh until you side hurts! Keep other hobbies and have friends that are not work-related. The key is to unwind and return mentally and physically refreshed.
  • Remind yourself why you’re in business. Look at your goals and the ideals you had for going into business in the first place. Figure out what changed in your circumstances.  Perhaps you have to care for an elderly parent, you now have a spouse or you’re just older now.
  • Stop multi-tasking. Some entrepreneurs tend to take on additional responsibilities such as starting another business, which only make matters
    worst. Although you may be good at multi-tasking, when it comes to major undertakings, stay focused on one thing at a time.
  • Arrange your priorities. Establishing priorities will help you to stay focused and organized. Deal with the more difficult tasks first and take on the ones you really enjoy last. Tackle your daily (and future) to-do list in order of importance.
  • Get the help you need. As the founder and visionary of the business, your primary focus is to get clients. If you’re trying to wear too many hats, you’re not likely to be effective at any. Hiring someone to handle administrative work, collecting receivables, etc. will help you to stay focused on the big picture.
  • There are certain circumstances in which the answer to our lost passion is to sell or dissolve the business, but that should not be our first resource. Before throwing in the towel be sure to seek advice, understand the consequences and weigh all your options.

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