Showing posts with label share your story. Show all posts
Showing posts with label share your story. Show all posts

Monday, June 3, 2013

Make Your Mess Your Message

Oh the pressure of trying to appear as though we have it all together. Look perfect, show no fear and keep your struggles a secret! Let people believe that you've always had the "Midas Touch" and that everything you've put your hands to has turned into gold.

Such pretense is a sure way to derail your opportunity to achieve great success. Why? Your compelling story, with its many struggles, is what connects you to the heart of your ideal client.

The reason Oprah's show was a huge success for 25 years, when similar shows fell by the wayside, is because Oprah pulled back the veil and allowed the world to see her warts. She openly talked about the sexual abuse, promiscuity, teenage abortion, bad relationships, insecurities, and oh the battle of the bulge! Millions of women from around the world connect with her because of her vulnerability and the fact that she overcame in spite of it all.

As crazy as it sounds, all the things you're trying to keep quiet about are critical to having the business you've always wanted. You need to harness the hidden power of your disasters and turn them into dollars.

In all reality, it's not even about you. Your compelling story is the key to your prospects' breakthrough. Cute quotes on Facebook and Twitter are inspiring, but sharing the brutal truth about your challenges helps move people to take action in their own lives and businesses.
When new subscribers join my mailing list, within the first 7 days they receive an email message sharing my story ... the ups, downs and ultimate breakthrough----not about my degrees and certifications. My story qualifies me to help take their businesses to the next level and motivates their decision to hire me.

You might be wondering why people would want to know about your struggles, failures and mess ups? The reality is, that's exactly what they DO want to know about, because it meets them where they are. When you are forthright about how you overcame your struggles, your prospects will see how you can help overcome their challenges.

Take Action Challenge:

Write your story in 500 words. Share it with your prospects and clients. Post it on your website. Allow it to become the cornerstone of your message because when you unleash the power of your compelling story, your business will not be the same.